Harper has made her own hat in Fibers Club with Mrs. Knese! We are so proud of her hard work and determination.
10 months ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Look at this amazing MAP Testing Fairy Godmother! She works so hard to ensure our testing here at Rock Creek is smooth and positive for students and staff.
10 months ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Katie Reynolds-Sandstrom
It is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week at Rock Creek! We can't express our appreciation enough for our remarkable staff members who play a vital role guiding and inspiring our wonderful students, day in and day out. These staff members work tirelessly to foster positive learning environments and build rapport so that students can thrive. We love that we get to celebrate you throughout the week. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Channel 5 News meteorologist,Tracy Hinson, made a special visit to Rock Creek to teach third grade students about the weather. Students were a captivated audience, enjoyed every minute, and somehow were highlighted on the news. 📰 Thanks for the special visit!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Channel 5 News- Tracey Hinson visits 3rd graders at Rock Creek
Happy School Lunch Hero Day to our fantastic lunch squad trio- Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. Schaff, Mrs. Lowery! We are lucky to have such caring and hard-working ladies who prepare and make certain that students have healthy meals to eat. We appreciate all that you do.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Lunch Hero Trio
Thank you bunches for our lunches
Four square that turns into ten square because 4th graders want to include more classmates, is kindness in action. Witnessing ten students working through and agreeing on new rules for a ten square game, is synergy in action. We LOVE seeing this!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Four Grade Synergizers
We have so much to celebrate at Rock Creek, including our Positive Office Referral leaders. Great job students, we are proud of your leadership.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Happy National School Principal's Day!! We are so thankful for our very own Dr. Dierker who brings so much heart, compassion, and dedication to making Rock Creek a great place to learn and work. His positive, thoughtful, and outside of the box thinking and approach makes a significant impact. We are thankful for his leadership.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Happy National School Principals Day!
Dr. Dierker- School Principal
PTO really knows how to throw a block party. 🎈 Thanks to our RCE PTO for putting on such a fun and wonderful event. It was a special treat and neat to see so many of our RCE families and community members take part.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Block Party
Block Party
Block Party
We have the best volunteers at Rock Creek! We appreciate all that our volunteers do from lending a hand to sharing their creative ideas and so much more. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we are better because of you.💚💙
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Games with Grands was a hit! We loved seeing so many RCE families connecting and spending time together playing board games. ♟️
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Games with Grands
Games with Grands
Games with Grands
The 2nd graders were oh so sweet in their performance of, "Cookies" 🍪the musical on Wednesday night. Hard work by the 2nd graders, thoughtful and creative planning and rehearsing by Mrs. Soller, and great support by staff really paid off. Bravo 2nd graders!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to our very own rockstars- Mrs. Tuggle, Ms. Davis, Ms. Poettgen, and Mrs. Henry. Thank you for all that you do, holding us together, and bringing so much to our Rock Creek Team.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
Administrative Professionals at Rock Creek
Thank you PTO for this beautiful new playground equipment. 💚💙Students are already loving it and will for years to come.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
New playground equipment
Rock Creek students started their day with a run for the Grow Your Own Teacher 5K and Fun Run event. Nice strides students!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
RCE Fun Run
RCE Fun Run- part 2
We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how about you? Join us for RCE Spirit Week- Monday, April 22nd- Friday, April 26th. Check out each day's theme: Monday, April 22 - PJ/stuffed animal Tuesday, April 23 - Twin Tuesday Wednesday, April 24 - Sports Day Thursday, April 25 - Dress like a Famous Person (rock star, author, athlete, actor etc...) Friday April 26 - Dress your Best- for spring pictures We can't wait to see all your spirit!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
School Spirit Week
What a great way to end our week, celebrating some of our outstanding leaders with Positive Office Referrals. Way to go students, continue to shine, even when no one is watching.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Fifth grade leader
First grade leader
second grade leader
Meeting some of our incoming kindergarteners and their families during RCE Kindergarten Round Up was pretty neat. Thanks to PTO for joining us as well to help us welcome these new Rock Creek Rockets. 🚀
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Kindergarten Round Up
Collective work where students share their thinking and problem solving is such a rich and meaningful learning opportunity. Third graders showcased this beautifully in their math centers.
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Math Center time
Math Center time
Big shout out to the bus driver crew for spending time with our students this week teaching us all about bus safety. 🚍 We LOVE being safe!
11 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Bus safety and evacuation practice