We are excited to welcome Hannah Hilke to our Rock Creek Elementary Staff! She will make a wonderful addition to our team.
9 months ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Hannah Hilke - New SLP
We are excited to welcome Malinda Le to our school team! She is going to be an excellent addition to our school family.
9 months ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Malinda Le - New 4th Grade Teacher
Now available- RCE Important Dates- Fall 2024! Please take a moment and check out some of our up and coming important dates for the fall. To access the official flyer, check the News section of the RCE website or go to RCE Back to School Headquarters on the website and click on Important Dates and Where to find Them.
9 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Important Dates- Fall 2024
What a year! We ended on such a high note with Field Day and 5th grade clap out. Thank you students and staff for all the dedication and hard work this 2023-2024 school year. Have a phenomenal summer!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Field Day
5th grade clap out
Congratulations to our many students who were recognized today at the annual, Rock Creek Elementary Awards Ceremony. 🎉We love that we had the chance to celebrate hard work and excellence. Way to finish strong and stay the course through the year rockets. 🚀 We are proud of you!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Student Excellence
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
5th Grade BBQ was a success! Smiling faces, laughter, and sheer enjoyment was captured throughout the time. There is no doubt that the event provided an abundance of opportunities to make memories. Thanks 5th Grade Team for making this possible. 💚💙
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
5th Grade BBQ
5th Grade BBQ
Our 🚀 rocket leaders are rocking the Positive Office Referrals right up to the end. Way to model what RCE leaders look like students. We are proud of you!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Positive Office Referrals
Welcome to the last week of the 2023-2024 school year! Important things for families to do this week: Check for and pay fines and fees in the parent portal. (Did you know the district currently has more than $80,000 in outstanding meal account payments?) Pick up any prescription medications from the clinic. Remember sunscreen and water if your student(s) celebrate Field Day. Pack a disposable lunch bag if your student(s) pack lunch on the last day. Schedule your student(s) to get their vaccinations updated if they will be in Kindergarten, 8th or 12th grade next fall so they are ready to return in August. Watch your email inbox for important updates this summer. Plan your summer reading list!
10 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
End of school check list for families
Principal for the Day- quite a great and special way to end the final full week of the school year. Nice job Jr. Principal Dudley!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Principal for the Day
It's a great day to highlight leaders at Rock Creek with phone calls home to celebrate Positive Office Referrals.
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Full circle moment celebrating our former Rock Creek Rockets 🚀as they walk the Rock Creek hallways and are cheered on by current students and staff during the Grad Walk. We are so proud of you graduates, congratulations!!🎓
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Grad Walk graduates- former Rockets
Former Rock Creek graduates
Parent letters that are heartfelt, staff messages to motivate and positively affirm student abilities, and students cheering one another on are surely the recipe for our rockets 🚀 to finish MAP testing on a positive note. We love and appreciate our Rock Creek family.
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
map testing positivity
We are blown away by students day in and day out. These two rockets earned a Positive Office Referral for their kindness with others at recess and on the bus. Way to go leaders!!🚀
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Positive Office Referral leaders
Rockets 🚀 discovered more about Habit 8- Find Your Voice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs- at the Rocket Day Assembly. Then, students displayed their talent, their voice, and inspired us in the annual RCE Talent Show. 🎤 Way to go students!!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Talented Rockets- Habit 8
The annual FZ Art Show is open 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Professional Development Center today and tomorrow, and from 9 a.m. - Noon on Friday.
10 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Art show poster featuring high school mascots
We had the special honor of celebrating educational excellence for a handful of our Rock Creek staff members at the FZ Staff Appreciation Dinner. Recognized were: Alicia Soller, Kim Gehring, Carri Kern, and Nina McCutchen for 25 years of service, Dave Botkin for 25 Years of Service and Retirement, Stephanie Flotron for Staff Member of the Year, and Kirsten Weis for Educator of the Year. Congratulations to these staff members! (Some staff mentioned are not pictured.)
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
RCE Staff
Rock Creek's Rookie of the Year nomination goes to Mr, Brandon McCain. He is consistent, committed, and ensures that all needs are met. He also adds a positive light to our school. We are lucky to have him as part of our RCE family.
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Brandon McCain
The annual Rock Creek Art Show and Choir 🎶 Concert were both a great success. Our budding artists were very proud to show off all of their hard work and creativity. We left inspired and still singing excerpts from some of the songs.
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
Art Show
Choir Concert
On this National School Nurse Day, we love that we get to celebrate our fabulous nurse, Mrs. Tracy Estrel. She wears quite a few hats from caring for the scrapes and bumps, administering medicine, taking temperatures, and so much more. She works hard to make sure that students are "healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy". Thank you for taking care of all our students and staff at Rock Creek!
10 months ago, DuBray Middle School
School Nurse Day
School Nurse- Poem
Mrs. Tracy Estrel- Nurse
⚠️ Due to the forecast of severe weather, all afterschool and evening events will be canceled today, May 8, 2024, in the Fort Zumwalt School District.
10 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZSD Alert