RCE PTO hosts the annual Back to School Ice Cream Social Friday evening on the playground. 6 -7:30 PM. Free event for RCE families. Bring your lawn chair. No pets, please. There are still opportunities to volunteer, also. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805054aaaab2ea6ff2-rcepto
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Please join us in welcoming Lauren Chadbourne to the Rock Creek team. Ms. Chadbourne will serve as a paraprofessional. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Lauren Chadbourne
We are THRILLED to welcome all of our ROCKETS back tomorrow! This is going to be an amazing year.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
School starts tomorrow - Monday, August 22! Can't wait to see all of our students. Doors open at 8:25AM! Breakfast/lunch menu: Download the new FZ app (white background), select RCE and click on Dining.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Our littlest Rockets are ready for blast off after Kindergarten Orientation today. #RocketsreadytoSoar
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Kdg smiling
new Rocket
momma and new rocket
looking at bioks
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Fort Zumwalt! It's everything Fort Zumwalt, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3w6NXGW Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zQUgQb
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the Fort Zumwalt App
Please join us in welcoming Sabrina Davis to the Rock Creek team. Ms. Davis will serve as an office clerk. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Sabrina Davis
Meet the Teacher us always an exciting event. Dr. Dierker’s first as a Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Dr. Dierker meeting families
Meet the teacher
Please join us in welcoming Michele D'Anniballe to the Rock Creek team. Ms. D'Anniballe will serve as a paraprofessional. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Michele D'Anniballe
Please join us in welcoming Melisa Casserly to the Rock Creek team. Ms. Casserly will serve as our clinic clerk. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Melisa Casserly
Our staff is back! They are the best staff!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
RCE staff on the playground
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
Board of Education Meeting
We are thrilled to welcome our new certified staff members to new teacher orientation today @FZSchools! We have a wonderful crew and are excited to welcome them to our RCE family!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
New Certified Staff Members at RCE
Signs school is starting: St. Charles County has appointments available if your child needs updated immunizations. You can learn more and use the link to schedule an appointment here: https://www.sccmo.org/609/School-Requirements
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Classes begin Aug. 22, 22
Signs School Is Starting: Federal program paperwork is available through our Student Nutrition Department. It is important to note that the federal program that waived meal fees in our schools the past two years has expired. Meal charges will resume the first day of school for all students who have not applied for and qualified for the Federal Free-and-Reduced Meal Program. You can find that paperwork and more at go.FZSD.us/BacktoSchool
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Student Nutrition Update
Please join us in welcoming Shannon Ward to the Rock Creek team. Ms. Ward will serve as our clinic clerk. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Shannon Ward - Clinic Clerk
PTO Meeting tonight: 6 PM in the school library. All are welcome to come and help plan our community events. Please park on the playground and enter through recess doors. Our front entrance sidewalk is still under construction.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Wayne Dierker comes to Fort Zumwalt from Lonedell, a small district in Franklin County where he grew up. Hear about his work in that community, and what he looks forward to learning about the Rock Creek Elementary community where he now serves as principal. https://thrillshare.com/s/news-fzsd/scheduled_article/ac79e2a78648c652c9937d33
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
Please join us in welcoming Christin Hess to the Rock Creek team. Ms. Hess will serve as a paraprofessional. We are excited to have you as a RCE Rocket!
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker
Welcome to Christin Hess
Welcome to August! Looking for signs school is starting soon? We're here to help you spot them. First sign? Our Back to School Headquarters has information from supply lists to the free-and-reduced meal application. Check it out at http://go.FZSD.us/BackToSchool
over 2 years ago, Wayne Dierker