Abbey (5th) is the last winner of a mini fridge stuffed with cash! Thanks to all for supporting our fundraiser.

Bentley (2nd) is another winner of the mini fridge stuffed with cash. Wow! Our school community it really stepping up to the plate to raise $ for playground equipment.
One more chance to win one.

There is still time to register, enter contact information of your friends and family and have a chance to win BIG with a $250 Amazon gift card! #itspossiblewithpop #gameon #healthybody #healthymind #fitness #physicaleducation

Riley (Kdg) win a mini fridge stuffed with cash as part of our fundraiser! More drawings to come later this week.

Weston in 2nd grade is the first winner of our fundraiser prizes. He won a mini fridge stuffed with cash! Parents, you have another chance to complete the Golden Ticket assignment tonight! Thanks to all for your support.

Families we need your help to hit our goal! Register and enter at least 20 contacts on your personal donation page for a chance to win this COOL fridge stuffed with cash! #itspossiblewithpop #gameon #healthybody #healthymind #fitness #physicaleducation

Check out the materials coming home with your student today on how you can help our school! Make sure you register and enter 10 or more contacts to get in on the FUN! #itspossiblewithpop #gameon #healthybody #healthymind #fitness #physicaleducation

Tune in to hear from elementary students and recent grads about the League of Leaders and the power of common language in Pushing for Positive Peer Influence. It's at the center of all we do.
Watch or listen on our website: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/834249
Download the new Fort Zumwalt App, subscribe on YouTube or your favorite podcast app so you never miss an episode of the FORTiTUDE podcast.

It's Early Release (1:10 PM) & RCE Day at Oberweis, That Burger Joint & Woodgrain Pizzeria! Support PTO all day long. Just mention RCE PTO. See flyer: https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2327577/schools/94326

Writing the Letter T in Kindergarten today.

There is more than one way to show your thinking in math.

Ms. Black's First Grade Class was busy focusing during their word study time, which focuses on the foundational skills kids need in order to be successful readers!

Did you know the federal program providing free school meals to all students expired? Please be sure to check your students' account balance regularly.
If you need the application to see if you qualify for free or reduced price school meals click "Free/Reduced Application Info" on our Student Nutrition website.

#FZSD is loving our new app! Access dining menus, news updates, & even notifications, right from your pocket. Set your default school & schools that send you notifications in settings.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3w6NXGW
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zQUgQb

It was great to see so many families at our Open House last night! The Rock Creek Rockets 🚀 are the BEST!

Open House tonight is extra cool!

The PTO Back to School Ice Cream Social was a wonderful way to end a GREAT first week of school! It was so fun to see so many students, families, and staff!

Officer Shepard building relationships with 2nd grade at lunch.

Kindergarten friends learning how to care for books.

RCE PTO is hosting a Back to School Ice Cream Social this evening on the playground. 6-7:30PM. Free for RCE families. For the comfort and safety of all, please leave pets at home. Thank you!