Today we CELEBRATE our amazing PARAS! We have the BEST paraprofessionals at Rock Creek Elementary! School would not function without the heart, determination, and patience of this amazing group who love our kids beyond imagine.

Happy National Assistant Principals week Ms. Nolte! You are a SUPER HERO at Rock Creek Elementary!

Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast a conversation with the coach and captains of South High's State Champion varsity cheer squad.
Commitment. Leadership. #BulldogArmy @ZumSouth @CheerFZ

Due to the severe weather in the forecast, Fort Zumwalt School District is canceling all after school activities today, March 31, 2023, including use of our facilities. Thanks, and have a safe day.

We are excited to share the hiring of Mrs. Katie Reynolds-Sandstrom who will be serving as the Administrative Intern at Rock Creek Elementary starting July 1st, 2023.
Find out more information by clicking on the article...

Welcome back! We hope you had a restful, relaxing Spring Break. We are ready for the fourth quarter of the 2022-2023 school year! Today is an A day at high schools, a B day at middle schools and a C day at elementary schools.

DESE’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Council is asking students, parents, business leaders, and educators to take five minutes to share your general perceptions of CTE programs in Missouri. Your responses will be kept confidential and will be aggregated with other responses to help the Council better understand how stakeholders see CTE in Missouri. This survey will close on April 12. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XHNG7Q7

We are glad to report our phone service was restored yesterday evening. Thank you for your patience.

Our phone carrier continues to work to resolve the problem we are having with service. Should you need to connect with school, please email speoffice@fz.k12.mo.us Thank you for your patience.

Our phone carrier continues to work to resolve the problem we are having with service. Should you need to connect with school, please email rceoffice@fz.k12.mo.us Thank you for your patience.

Good morning Fort Zumwalt. Our phone carrier is experiencing an outage. Email is still working to reach our offices. Thanks for your patience.

RCE Night at Great Skate is Saturday (3/11/23). 7-9PM. It's a family night. $7 admission and $3 skate rental Go have fun!

The annual FZiAm store is only open a few more days!
Check out FZiAm and learn more about the work: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/o/fzsd/page/fziam

Thanks to all who joined us for our Family Reading Night with a camp theme. Chances to win books, reading make and takes and s'mores and Kona Ice.

Join us for Family Reading Night tonight! 6:45 PM Fun reading activities and the Kona Ice Truck!

This awesome group of Rock Creek staff kicked off the morning with the Leader in Me book study! We are excited to continue to empower students, focus on the whole child, and teach students the habits that will help them reach success.

Just a couple of our future Rockets ready for take off. Thanks for coming to Kindergarten Registration tonight. If you still need to register your child, please feel free to call Amy Vaccaro at 636-980-9800.

Starting in five minutes! Join us FZSD Drug Awareness Virtual Parent's Night. Tune in live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i57sQjOON4A
Resources to start the conversation with your family:
St. Charles County Ambulance District- Opiate use and Recovery
DEA- One Pill Can Kill
Preferred Family Healthcare- How to speak to your children about substance use
The Child Advocacy Center of Northeastern Missouri- Internet and Social Media Safety
Missouri Poison Center/SSM Cardinal Glennon- Statistics and information on how substances are impacting children
@WSDk12 @FHSDschools @OrchardFarmRV @CityOfSt.CharlesSchoolDistrict @SCCADEMS

Early dismissal tomorrow! March 1st dismissal will be at 1:10.

Tune in LIVE tonight at 6 p.m. for the following presentations:
St. Charles County Ambulance District- Opiate use and Recovery
DEA- One Pill Can Kill
Preferred Family Healthcare- How to speak to your children about substance use
The Child Advocacy Center of Northeastern Missouri- Internet and Social Media Safety
Missouri Poison Center/SSM Cardinal Glennon- Statistics and information on how substances are impacting children
Share the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i57sQjOON4A