We are gaga over our new Gaga Pit! A huge shout out to Girl Scout Troop 3269, who made this happen! The troop paid for and donated the bracket kit and balls, built the pit, and earned their Bronze Award. Thanks to the O’Fallon Lowes for the wood and Home Depot for the hardware.

RCE Holiday Breakfast is quickly approaching!
**Turn in forms by FRIDAY, November 17th to reserve your spots. **
(Need another form? The front office has extras. )
When: Saturday, December 2nd, 8:00 am- 11:00 am
Breakfast Cost:
$8 per person in advance
$10 per person at the door
What: All you can eat sausage and pancakes. Guess what else? An extra special treat of Chris Cakes showing off their mad pancake flipping skills!!
There is more fun. We have Penny Wars, Silent Auction, Holiday Kids Store, Painted Pot, and a special visit by Santa Claus.
Don’t miss out on all the fun!
Holiday Breakfast Flyer

We are so proud of our Rock Creek Students for collecting 91 Turkeys for the No Hunger Holiday! Team Dierker barely won! Students will get to see some turkey dancing tomorrow!

Gobble, Gobble!
Tomorrow is the final day of our No Hunger Turkey Drive. Please help us by dropping off frozen turkeys at morning arrival (Wednesday, November 15th).
How does this work?
*Drop off a frozen turkey during morning arrival.
*Hand the turkey(s) to a staff member
*Let the staff know which team the student is on- Team Dierker or Team Sandstrom.
We can't wait to hear how many turkeys we can collect, celebrate with students at lunch with the winning team principal dressed like a turkey and dancing the "Chicken Dance", and most importantly, support our local community.
Thank you for your support!

What an honor to pay tribute and celebrate our Veterans. Thank you for your service!

Kindergarten had a special guest on Monday, November 6th. Who could it have been? Well, it was Firefighter Ballmann! RCE Rockets loved getting to learn and ask questions firsthand to Mr. Ballmann. Thank you for sharing your time, expertise, and teaching us so much.

Finishing our week shining light on our leaders is always fun. Way to go rockets! Congratulations on your Positive Office Referrals.

Engineers in the making! Mrs. Mueller's technology class pairs hands on learning with collective strategizing for practical and enjoyable experiences.

Starting our week out strong with leadership. Great job rockets on being recognized with a Positive Office Referral!!

Don't forget to change your clocks!

Positive Office Referrals to kick off the first couple days of November. Way to go students, so much leadership seen from showing self control to helping out on the bus. We are proud of you! 🚀

Team Up Against Drugs! The final day of Red Ribbon week and students and staff did a great job showing their support against drugs.

Peace out to Drugs! Students and Staff seen supporting Red Ribbon week theme attire of Tie Dye and Peace Signs.

We had a donation of apple cider and apple donuts from Brautigam's Orchard for the staff to enjoy today! A big thanks to the Mahlin family!

Let's Put Drugs to Bed! This was a great theme to kick off Red Ribbon week. Student's and Staff loved showing off their support against drugs with a Pajama Day.

We hope that you enjoyed the break and we can't wait to see you back in school today!
Download the FZ app and choose your default school in settings. Tap Menu in the lower left, then Dining to see meal choices. On school websites, click menu, then the Dining button at the top.

Red Ribbon Week is October 25th- October 27th
Help show support on the fight against drugs by dressing up to match each day's theme.
See the Flyer for more details:

Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.

Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.

There's no season like show season! West High presents Fall One Acts: Please Don't Be My Drama Teacher and One Word Macbeth 7 p.m. tonight and 2 p.m. Saturday; The New Margo and Abra Cadaver 7 p.m. tomorrow night and 4 p.m. Saturday.