Fifth Grade PBA writing ✍🏻 celebration was all the buzz! Fifth graders shared their hard work with their peers.

Caroling in the hallway is quite the way to bring spirit to the morning. Thank you Mrs. Soller and the choir students for leading us in a sing-along. 🎶

Second Grade was focused and hard at work being scientists and engineers constructing and adapting their habitats to best support Emperor Penguin.

We sure love highlighting and celebrating leaders and kindness with Positive Office Referrals. The phone call home is simply precious and meaningful. Way to go Rockets!!🚀

4th graders making connectivity connections and discoveries.

Rock Creek Staff have a BLAST getting into the holiday spirit too! Look at our staff twins!

Meeting all the League of Leaders from WHS is always such a treat. Thanks for the special visit. We can't wait until next time.

Family Movie Night, a great evening to slow down, enjoy the season, and share time together! Thank you to all the staff and Culture Action Team that put in time to make this event happen. Additional thanks to PTO for securing a fabulous sponsor, State Farm Agent, Dane Huxel.

Pushing the positive and celebrating leaders! Congratulations to these rockets who earned a Positive Office Referral for their outstanding leader actions.

Do you know someone who will be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024? It’s time for their grown-ups to mark the calendar for Kindergarten Enrollment!
Enroll online March 13, 2024. Staff will be available at 14 of our elementary schools from 2 - 7 p.m. that day for families who would like to stop by. Once your student is enrolled, you will be connected with your school for resources and information on upcoming events as we move closer to the first day of kindergarten.
Go to bit.ly/48lIGMH and download the event to your calendar today. Watch for more information in January.

Writers among us! 📝 Kindergarten and 3rd grade was hard at work today organizing their thoughts 💭 sequentially and planning for their PBA.

Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 6th is an Early Release Day!
*Dismissal will occur at 1:10 PM.
*Please make sure that your child knows how he/she will be getting home.
Need to make changes to how your child is going home for this Early Release Day? Call the office before 10AM so we can ensure both your student and their teacher are aware.
(Early release days are for teachers to have professional development and to collaborate regarding instructional practices, student achievement and to plan.)

RCE annual Holiday Breakfast was a hit! Thank you for all who shared their morning with us and to those who gave their time and talents to help the event run smoothly. We greatly appreciate PTO who sponsored the event and put so much heart into it too!

Ample care, creativity, and planning go into ensuring student have rich learning opportunities and feel supported. Our staff does a phenomenal job!

Warm & Cozy Drive
When: Tuesday, November 28th- Tuesday, December 12th
What: Collecting warm items to donate to St. Charles County HOPE Ministries for our community.
What is being collected:

Positive Office Referrals are such a gift to celebrate! Way to go students for living and modeling what it looks and sounds like to be a leader.

Thanksgiving Break is Wednesday, November 22 - Sunday, November 26. May your time be filled with laughter, blessings, safe travels, family, and friends. However you celebrate this time off, we hope it is nothing short of meaningful and memorable. We are blessed and thankful for you, our entire Rock Creek Community!
Note: Classes resume on Monday, November 27.

These students were recognized with Positive Office Referrals for their leadership and kindness. On top of that, two buses (15 and 217) along with Mrs Fahnestock's Kindergarten class were recognized with Positive Referrals. Amazing job being leaders in and out of school!

On this official Substitute Educator Day, we want to recognize ALL of the amazing substitutes, or guest teachers as we like to call them, that support Rock Creek daily. The heart and care poured into our students when you are here makes a world of difference. Thank you!

Our 5th grade Running Club practicing their running by playing a relay game!