Get ready for next Wednesday!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Wednesday of Reading Week was aglow from bright clothing to flashlights 🔦 shining the light on the beauty of reading.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Glow in the Dark- Reading Week
Bravo 5th grade students, you shined! What a fantastic performance in your musical, "I Need A Vacation". ⛱️Special thanks to Mrs. Soller for such a neat performance opportunity and all the time and work behind the scenes.🎭🎤
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
5th Graders- Stars in the Making.
🧢 Hats off to reading! This was the perfect way to kick off Reading Week 📚. What fun it was to see students sporting all sorts of fun hats in the spirit of reading.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Hats off to Reading!!
Third grade P.E. students hard at work to find that point of balance.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
3rd Grade Students working on balance
Reading Week kicks off Monday, March 4th and runs to Friday, March 8th. Join us in celebrating reading with our fun theme for each day. **Please see the image included for all the daily themed details. **
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Reading Week Theme Days
Reading Week
Celebrating the end of a great week with Positive Office Referrals for students spotted being leaders. Way to go Rockets!!🚀
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Let's get ready for Kindergarten 2024!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Can you feel the #FZJoy? Fort Zumwalt School District is proud to be one of the 19 midsize Missouri businesses -- and the only Missouri public school district -- recognized among America’s Best Employers by Forbes. You can read more about the recognition at Our employees maintain 2.8 million square feet of facilities, a fleet of 172 buses and 24,500 electronic devices. Each day they manage the operations in our 31 offices; transport 13,500 students; serve 9,200 meals and TEACH 16,920 members of the future workforce. Looking to find your direction?
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Our Technology Department maintains almost 25,000 devices
Our Transportation Department transports more than 13,000 students daily
Our Student Nutrition Team serves more than 9,000 meals daily
Our Teachers teach 16,000 future members of the workforce
FZSD Among America's Best Employers according to Forbes
Students love to impress Dr. Dierker by explaining their thinking and providing examples on how to solve different size problems.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Leo explains the different sizes of problems to Dr. Dierker
It's not everyday that one gets selected to read their DARE essay for O'Fallon City Council. Congratulations to 5th grader Chase P. who got to do just that.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Chase presenting his DARE essay for O’Fallon City Council
Let's get ready for Kindergarten 2024!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Kindergarten Enrollment online March 13, 2024
It takes hard work and creativity to make art masterpieces. These 4th graders loved exploring and creating through this medium.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Artists at work
Friendly Reminder: School resumes Tuesday, February 20th. We look forward to seeing all of our amazing RCE students and staff back in the building and digging into learning and leading.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Learn and Lead
It's time to recognize our Positive Office Referrals for this week of learning and leading. Way to go RCE students! We are proud of your focus on doing the right thing, even when others are not watching. 🚀
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Sibling Leaders
A special shoutout and thanks to our very own Officer Shepard! We love how dedicated you are to our students and the connections that you make. We are lucky to have you at Rock Creek.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Officer Shepard
Officer Shepard
Officer Shepard
Friendly reminder that there is NO School Friday, February 16th and also NO school on Monday, February 19th(Presidents' Day Holiday). **We will see students back in school on Tuesday, February 20th.** Please enjoy your time, stay safe and warm.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
No School
Happy Presidents Day
Show season rolls on! Tonight and tomorrow at 7, Satruday at 2, West High presents: Almost Maine. Break a leg!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Almost Maine poster in spotlights. 7 p.m. 2.15 and 16, 2 p.m. 2-17
Read all about me! We love when students are excited to share about who they are and what is special to them. ✨
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Student sharing all about herself
Congratulations to all of our Science Fair participants! What a neat opportunity to extend learning in an authentic manner and work through the scientific processes.
about 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
science fair
science fair