Shout out to our PTO parents for bringing us delicious 7 Brews coffee this morning!! ❤️

Our staff had some fun on the search for "There is a Turkey in Your Pocket" Game! These were the winners!

The holidays are almost here! Ring in the season tonight, tomorrow night or with two chances on Saturday to catch White Christmas at West High! Info and tickets: https://whs.fz.k12.mo.us/o/whs/article/1830156

So proud of our Rockets for bringing in 134 🦃! This is a 47% ⬆️ from last year! We are so proud of our students and families for ensuring families have a turkey for Thanksgiving for The No Hunger Holiday! Thanks to our Leader in Me action team & our student SHARE club!

Mrs. Mahers 4th Grade Students were having some fun coming up with dialogue in connection to turkeys for Thanksgiving! They have some creative minds!

Our staff ended last week with a Fall Favorites Carry In! It was a delicious way to celebrate another great week at Rock Creek Elementary!

Do you need some J O Y and F U E L for your DAY?! Take a read about some efforts of some of our amazing students and staff! https://rce.fz.k12.mo.us/o/rces/article/1879898

We celebrated students that helped us achieve our PTO Fundraising Milestones! There was so much joy and laughter! They got our staff good with silly string and posing the principals in the face! #RCERockets

Earlier this week, we had our monthly assembly led by our amazing students in media club! We learned about Habit 2: Begin with The End in Mind from Leader in Me. Students learned more about goal setting, mission statements, and accountability partners. #rcerockets

Our teachers engaged in thought provoking and reflective discussions while working across grade spans as a vertical team to close learning gaps and teach in a consistent manner in mathematics.

We were so proud to honor so many amazing Veterans at our celebration this morning! Thanks for your service!

Welcome Back! It's an A Day at all schools. Want to know what's for breakfast or lunch? Click Dining in the menu from your school website.

Today is Election Day.
Students are off.
Teachers are in professional development.
Polls are open until 7 p.m.

5th grade Camp was a huge success for RCE Students! They had fun, learned new schools, and learned the value of teamwork. Great job 5th grade students!

We have caught so many leaders in action! We enjoy celebrating our positive office referrals!

Welcome back! Today is an A day at all of our schools. Remember you can see what's for lunch on any of our school websites or in the FZ app. Just click Menu at the top and then the dining button. Hope it's a beautiful day!

Our Professional Learning Community Guiding Coalition has engaged I. Some great learning and action work to ensure we are moving all kids forward! This team is excited!

Had a wonderful time at the PTO Ice Cream Social last week celebrating the first week of school! Such fun time with our amazing little community!

4th Grade students were busy collaborating during math centers today! They were practicing fluency, having fun, and working hard!