Beckett is such a positive example to her peers in PE class! She is a leader and we are glad she is a ROCKET!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Lydia is always so kind, helpful, and a true leader here at Rock Creek Elementary! We are thankful she is a ROCKET!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Spread the word! It's RCE Day at Monical's Pizza. ALL DAY! 20% of proceeds will support our PTO. Show the flyer or mention RCE PTO when ordering online for carry out or delivery.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Monical's Pizza
We had a WONDERFUL day honoring our Veterans at Rock Creek Elementary! We had a breakfast, a parade around the school, and an assembly! It was a true honor!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Will we get this turkey to dance? Donate to our No Hunger Holiday turkey drive?
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Dr. Dierker as a turkey
Kindergarten had a special visit from the O’Fallon Fire Department today. Thanks for teaching our students and for bringing those very cool fire hats! We think there are future firefighters in this class.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
listening to fire fighters
seeing the truck
CONGRATS to Meladee for her positive office referral! She got a 100% on her recent division test! We are PROUD of you!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
We are unbeLEAFably Proactive at Rock Creek Elementary! Last week our 5th grade teachers and students led a Rocket Day Assembly for all students and taught everyone about the FIRST habit from the work of Dr. Stephen Covey called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effecitve People" called Be Proactive!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Be Proactive
We have the BEST crew at Rock Creek Elementary! Our very own Kelly Barklage was dancing it out to our Morning Motivation Song earlier this week.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Kelly Barklage :  Paraprofessional
Ruth is one awesome 4th grader! She always gives 100% effort and is an excellent role model for her peers! RCE is PROUD of you Ruth!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Aayden’s bus driver recognized his kindness when he gave up his seat to a new bus rider. Kudos to him. We love when our students do kind acts!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
We are hoping that your family can help support the Turkey Drive for the No Hunger Holiday! This benefits families in need in the local area. We want the Westside of campus to have the largest amount of donations. You can bring a donation of money this week by 11/11 OR you can bring a frozen turkey on 11/16! Our Principals Dr. Dierker and Ms. Nolte are having a friendly competition. Ms. Nolte’s team is 2nd , 4th , & 5th Grade. Dr. Dierker’s team is Kindergarten, 1st , & 3rd grade. Whichever team loses by bringing the lowest amount will have to dance in a turkey suit!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Alex is an amazing student, always participating and helping! Proud of you, Alex!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Check out FORTiTUDE playlist #21stCenturySkills More on course offerings & student achievements in #FZSD Career Technical Ed pathways. Students, teachers, alum check in to discuss @PLTW, @SCCCaps, and more. @MoEducation @GovMikeParson
over 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast playlist: #21stCenturySkills growing career ready grads
No School on Tuesday, November 8. Teachers will be in professional development on this day. Don't forget to get out and vote!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
No School
2 great service projects happening this week. Soap for Hope drives continues all through this week. And cash collections for turkey for No Hunger Holiday happens this week. Staff will shop for turkeys this weekend. Which team will win? Dr. Dierker or Ms. Nolte:
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
So proud of Dylan for helping to pick up chairs following our assembly. He saw and need and filled it without being asked.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Make sure and check out the November edition of the Principal's Corner! There is a ton of GREAT information and a competition between Dr. Dierker and Ms. Nolte that you do not want to miss.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
So proud of Jayden. He was spotted helping to pick up chairs after the assembly without being asked. So great when our students see a need and fill it without being asked.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Early dismissal tomorrow! November 2nd dismissal will be at 1:10.
over 2 years ago, Sabrina Davis
Early Release