Charlotte, thanks for being a daily happy helper to our recess clerks. Your small acts mean a lot! Allison, what a huge help you are to the bus driver checking windows and for items left behind!
about 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Winter Break: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Classes resume on Thursday, January 5, 2023. The school office will be open on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Winter Break
We love our students! Sofia has worked hard and scored 100% on her multiplication test. Also, another Sophia has been observed to be compassionate and caring to a student with special needs.
about 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
​Our Blue Notes form closes tomorrow. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff! CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW:
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Manager's Choice menu for next week. Click on the image
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Manager's Choice Menu
Our Rockets are shooting for the stars. Here are more Positive Office Referral recipients: Jayden was caught helping a friend when he didn’t know anyone was watching. Emaad started his work right away! Congratulations to both of these great kids.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Fundraiser at Red Robin on December 14th, 2022. See flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Sabrina Davis
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews
Fundraiser at MOD Pizza December 11th! Find more information on the flyer
over 2 years ago, Sabrina Davis
MOD Pizza
We have some more shining students here at Rock Creek Elementary! Maverick shared toys with a friend and Chase gives 200% every single day! We are lucky to have these two students at RCE!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Nathan did an excellent job of helping our custodian with some tables, Beckett cleaned up trash that was not her own, and Blake completed his work right away! We are so proud of our positive actions by students at RCE!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
More great and amazing Rockets to shout out! Nolan got 100% on his fractions math test! Isabella’s teacher just couldn’t say enough about this amazing, hardworking student! We are proud of you both!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
​Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff! CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW:
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Celebrate our staff! Send a Blue Note today!
​Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff! CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW:
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Our Super Spellers! Congratulations! Justin Qian (Mr. Botkin) 2nd Place Eli DeAngelo ( Mrs. Flynn) 1st Place
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
spelling bee champs
Our spelling bee for our 4th and 5th graders is about to commence. Good luck to all!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Dear Rock Creek Families: As part of our district's ongoing efforts to increase security, we have been using the Raptor Visitor Management system to scan Photo ID's in the office. This week a scanner was placed in our entry way. From now on, parents/adults coming to sign out students early will be directed to place their Photo ID in the scanner prior to students being called out of their classroom. The office staff will be able to see the name on Photo ID, etc. Thank you for adapting to our new systems. Please remember to have your Photo ID at all times when coming to school.
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Raptor in entryway
Check out the results of last week's Penny War. Thank you to all who donated to this PTO fundraiser!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Penny War
We are so proud of our amazing ROCKETS! AJ reminded his friends of good behavior on the playground, Tyson comforted a student that was upset, and George was able to complete all of his work! We are proud of our kiddos!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Very proud of Evelyn! She noticed a student being unsafe at dismissal time and notified the closest adult to help him. So great to have Rockets looking out for others!
over 2 years ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Early dismissal tomorrow! December 7th dismissal will be at 1:10.
over 2 years ago, Sabrina Davis
Early Release