We love to celebrate kind and helpful students. Congratulations to these rocking Rockets who earned Positive Office Referrals!
over 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
RCE Family Night at Great Skate!! See Peachjar for more details! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2539297/districts/11878
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Panda Express PTO Fundraiser! See Peachjar for more details! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2539293/districts/11878
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Combine delicious Andy's Frozen Custard and a beautiful night and you get the perfect way to bring families together. What a great Rock Creek Ice Cream Social! Special thanks to our PTO for making it happen and to Andy's Frozen Custard for their generous donation.
over 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Vanilla Custard
Delicious Custard
We Love Custard
We love Custard
Andy’s Frozen Custard
Candy winner
Families love Andy’s Custard
Families love Andy’s Custard
We love Custard
Everyone loves Custard
PTO Ice Cream Social! Tomorrow from 6-7:30, all are welcome to this free event! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2522281/schools/94326
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Rock Creek PTO Ice Cream Social. Join us for a back to school event to meet other Rock Creek families and celebrate the first weeks of school. Friday, September, 8th 2023 6:00-7:30PM Rock Creek Playground. Bring a chair or blanket! This is a free event. All are welcome to attend! Ice cream donated by Andy's Frozen Custard
We had a great picture day with a special thanks to our parent volunteers that did an exceptional job helping our students and keeping it moving. The kids were looking sharp!
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Do you have the time, experience and desire to step in to help make educational decisions for a child with an Individualized Education Plan when the child's parent is not available or cannot be located? Each year hundreds of Missouri students need a caring adult to serve as an educational surrogate. Learn how you can help: /o/fzsd/page/education-surrogates
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Rockets spotted being leaders at recess, during fire drills, and an advocating when they need help. Well done Rockets!!
over 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Positive Referral!
Positive Referral!
Positive Referral!
5th Grade embarking on their D.A.R.E.(Drug Awareness Resistance Education) journey; gaining the skills needed to make decisions for safe and healthy living.
over 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
DARE book
Student with DARE book
DARE officer presenting
Reading, writing, and color comparison oh my! Kindergarten Rockets are hard at work.
over 1 year ago, DuBray Middle School
Time to Write!
Reading about colors
Comparing Colors
Teaching our Rocket Leaders of behavior expectations through our annual discipline review so we can have a safe year and students can excel through learning.
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
We have so many students being positive leaders at Rock Creek! I love how kind and helpful they are to friends.
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
Our 5th Grade classroom is highly engaged in math and doing some co-teaching with Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Lawson!
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
We started Illustrative Math this week at Rock Creek and it is exciting to see the high student engagement already! Loved seeing what a Math Community should like in our classrooms.
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
EVENT CHANGE!! Due to the heat advisory, the Ice Cream Social will now be Friday, September 8th from 6:00-7:30pm! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2522281/districts/11878
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Rcock Creek PTO Ice Cream Social Join us for a back to school event to meet other Rock Creek families and celebrate the first weeks of school! Rescheduled date: due to heat advisory Friday, September 8th, 2023 6:00-7:30PM Rock Creek playground. Bring a chair of a blankey! This is a free event, all are welcome to attend! Ice Cream donated by: Andy's Frozen Custard
Rock Creek Elementary is getting a chess club!! We're looking for chessboard donations!! https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2521611/districts/11878
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Rock Creek is getting a chess club! We are in need of new or gently used chess boards with pieces to make the chess club successful! Donated chess boards and pieces can be dropped off at the office anytime during open hours
We had an awesome FIRST day at Rock Creek Elementary! It was amazing to see all of our Rockets! Ready for day two of learning! #relentless #excel #empower #equip
over 1 year ago, Rock Creek Elementary
The supplies have been dropped off. The schedules have been picked up. Download the FZ app. Subscribe to your school. Check dining in the menu to plan for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, the first day of school. We're looking forward to starting the new school year!
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Classes Resume Aug. 21, 2023. We'll see you tomorrow!
Rockin' Jump Fundraiser! August 31st 4:00-8:00pm https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2515876/districts/11878
over 1 year ago, Hanah Poettgen
Remember to download the Fort Zumwalt app! It's everything Fort Zumwalt, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3w6NXGW Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3zQUgQb Remember that, when you download the app, you should tap the Menu in the lower left, then Settings in the lower right. Set your default organization to the school you want to see when you open the app. Use the “My Organizations” list to add other schools or the district to make sure you get all important notifications. When you return to the home screen, use the schools button in the lower right to navigate between your favorite pages. In the menu, tap dining and set the pulldown to see all for menus as they are updated Also from the menu, tap events to see your school's calendar. Use the down arrows to save events to your calendar, so you're ready to keep up with Fort Zumwalt this school year.
over 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Download the FZ app,. It's everything Fort Zumwalt in your pocket.