Important Message From Dr. Dreyer

Good afternoon West High parents and students:

I want to thank everyone for being patient with me as we have journeyed through this week.  It sure has been interesting.  
As you know by now, school will be cancelled in person for tomorrow due to road conditions and the threat of additional winter weather.  Finals will still be offered (see below for more information) if a student is wanting to improve their grade, but a final exam grade will not negatively impact an overall grade.  

Below is an explanation of what next week will look like in regards to final exams, classes next week, and our calendar.  

Friday, January 10th (AMI day):  Students will have an AMI day, with assignments posted for 5th and 6th hour.

Monday, January 13th (Last Day of First Semester):  This will be our last day of first semester.  Please use class time to tie up any loose ends.  This would include turning in any outstanding work or students taking outstanding assessments.  It will be an A day, so all classes will meet.  Students will need to speak with their teachers if they are wanting to take a final exam in their class(es).  Students, I would also ask that you complete this form if you are wanting to attempt a final exam so I have an idea of how many tests we will be proctoring.

Tuesday, January 14th (First Day of Second Semester):  We will start second semester (FINALLY!!!) with an A day (all classes).

Wednesday, January 15th:  D day (2-4-6)

Thursday, January 16th:  B day (1-3-5-7)

Friday, January 17th:  A day (all classes)

Final Exam Opportunities for Students  

  • Tuesday (1-14) after school in room 333: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

  • Wednesday (1-15) after school in the library:  12:00 PM - 2:25 PM

  • Thursday (1-16) after school in room 338:  2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

  • If teachers in year long classes wish to work individually with students to make up final exams on their own, they may do so.

  • There may be situations where students will need to take final exams if they are taking a dual credit or AP course.  Teachers will communicate this to students, hopefully as soon as Monday. 

Depending on what questions you have, feel free to reach out to your student’s principal, counselor, or teachers.  This week has been far from perfect, but together we will figure it all out:-)

It’s a Great Day to be a Jaguar,

Dr. Dreyer