Important Message From Dr. Dreyer

Good afternoon West High students and parents:

Unfortunately, we will once again be canceling in person school for students on Wednesday, January 8th. It will be an AMI day. Side streets are still dangerous and the West High campus can use a day of sun and salt to get the parking lots and sidewalks clear.

This means that we will be making some changes to how final exams will count towards a student's final grade.  Since West High students have not had ample opportunity to prepare for their upcoming final exams, we have decided to only count final exams grades IF the grade has a positive impact on a student's overall grade.  Final exam grades that would negatively impact a student's overall grade will not be counted towards the final grade.

Thursday and Friday will still be half days with two final exams each day. We will dismiss school at 10:40 AM.  Next Monday will be a full day (B day schedule), with three final exams.  I encourage all West High students to still prepare for finals and give full effort.  As my parents have always told me, anything worth doing is worth doing right.   

Below is a reminder of when finals will be held.

Thursday (1-9):  2nd and 4th hour finals

Friday (1-10):  5th and 6th hour finals

Monday (1-13):  1st, 3rd, and 7th hour finals

Tuesday (1-14):  Beginning of second semester

I want to thank everyone for the patience with us as we have navigated this week. 

It's a Great Day (even with a foot of snow on the ground) to be a Jaguar!

Dr. Dreyer