Food Drive

Over the past 2 weeks, our Kindergarten classes challenge all the grade levels to donate at least 100 items of food as we prepared for the 100th Day.    Our SHARE Club assisted in advertising the event and with some of the food organization.   As food was donated, it was line up outside of each classroom.  On the 100th Day of school, our Kindergarten friends ( a.k.a 100 year old people)  had the job of collecting all of the food items and taking them back to their classroom.  They used the food from this service project to practice counting to 100 in groups of 10.  


Pictured below:  Old Mrs. Fahenstock and some of her 100 year old friends.  

After school on February 8, our staff members sorted and boxed all of the many food items.   Our whole RCE family and community made a difference in collecting 1400+ items of food for Operation Backpack to feed children in O'Fallon, MO.   Thank you for supporting this annual event.